Author name: Editorial Team

Unraveling the Career Maze: How Labor Market Conditions Shape the Paths of PhD Students and Graduates in China 揭开职业迷宫的面纱:劳动力市场如何塑造中国博士的职业道路

Huan Li, PhD candidate, The University of Hong Kong Globally, there is a growing disconnect between the increasing number of

Unraveling the Career Maze: How Labor Market Conditions Shape the Paths of PhD Students and Graduates in China 揭开职业迷宫的面纱:劳动力市场如何塑造中国博士的职业道路 Read More »

[Full Video Available] Revisiting Quality Assurance and Delivery Modes of Cross-border Higher Education during the Pandemic- Does Physical Mobility Matter in Qualification Recognition of Joint/Dual Degree Programmes from an Asian Perspective?

Date: March 21, 2024 (Fri) Time: 10:30 – 12:00nn Venue: Room 203, 2/F, Runme Shaw Building, HKU & Zoom Speaker:Prof.

[Full Video Available] Revisiting Quality Assurance and Delivery Modes of Cross-border Higher Education during the Pandemic- Does Physical Mobility Matter in Qualification Recognition of Joint/Dual Degree Programmes from an Asian Perspective? Read More »

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